Entries by The Short Books

The Difference Between High-Frequency Words and Sight Words

While “High-Frequency Words” and “Sight Words” are terms that are sometimes used interchangeably, there is an important difference. Out of the roughly 500,000 words in both the Oxford English and the Merriam-Webster dictionaries, Robert Hillerich argues that if children can read the first 10 of the most frequently used words they “can read a fourth […]

The Benefits of Learning to Read at a Young Age

Reading impacts your child’s intellectual development Learning to read at a young age does more than just give a head start in education. The skill helps the brain grow by providing it ample opportunities to think creatively, abstractly, and rationally. While the brain isn’t technically a muscle, the more your child exercises it through reading, […]

Confident Readers

We all want to raise confident readers. We all want our children to walk into the school building confident enough to take risks and learn new material. However, when kids fall behind in reading it can impact their entire school experience. What do you do when your child falls behind? What do you do when […]

New Year…. New Practices!

A New Year always brings a sense of a new beginning and a new start. New Year’s Resolutions do not always last long…. But how about a Family New Year’s Resolution that will have lasting effects for everyone!  I challenge every family reading this blog to set aside one hour each week to sit down […]